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College and Careers


Naviance Family Connection

Our resource to deliver college and career readiness curriculum is Family Connections in Naviance.  It is used exclusively in our Colleges and Career Readiness (CCR) classes.  Mrs. Carnes teaches CCR7 and Mr. Payne teaches CCR 8.


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As a middle schooler, college might seem a long way off, but there are still things you can do to prepare for this important time in your life right now. You can enroll as a 21st Century Scholar from the time you enter 7th grade to June 30th of your 8th grade year, and if you keep your grades up and meet a few eligibility requirements, you’ll get money to pay for college!


No matter what your life plans or goals are, education is the one thing that can give you the power to accomplish whatever you set out to do. Learn More Indiana is a complete resource standing behind you, dedicated to helping you accomplish your education the way you want and following your dreams as closely as possible. Get started down your own path, and define your future.
